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G-Work of The Day: MG 1/100 Sword Impulse Gundam, No.24 Wallpaper Size Images & Info
MG 1/100 Sword Impulse Gundam
No.24 Wallpaper Size Images & Info
The model is the MG Sword Impulse Gundam. All parts are hand-painted using Tamiya acrylic paints (colors used were flat white, white, red, flat red, clear red, chrome silver, gun metal, neutral grey, RLM grey, german grey, gold leaf, flat blue, and flat yellow).
Sanded and topcoated with Mr. Hobby matte coat and later on with Tamiya Flat Clear. The model was purchased September 17 and only finished November 7th, working on weekends.
Photography is by ELVIS GARCIA.
Excellent work and amazing images!!!
Tratto da gunjap.net !!